ASA Pro Flight Library CD
ASA provides the aviation community with the most accurate and reliable publications available. The Pro-Flight Library CD-ROM makes it even easier to access the world of aviation information with just the click of a mouse. This is the most comprehensive electronic aviation reference library availableall on a single CD-ROMat a huge savings over the purchase of the individual books.
The Pro-Flight Library CD lets aviators:
- View the full text of all publications
- Print text and graphicsfrom a single phrase to an entire publication
- Find all newly-revised passages and view both the old and new text
- Simultaneously search multiple publications
- Instantly find any combination of words or phrases
- Place electronic bookmarks for instant reference
- Mark and save personalized notesjust as you would in a paper book
In addition, the Pro-Flight Library CD contains the complete text and images for all:
- Regulations: the complete Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (all the FARs), Hazmat regulations, EPA, NTSB, and TSA regulations affecting aircraft, air carrier, and ADA regulations
- Aeronautical Information Manual
- FAA Handbooks and Orders: including the Instrument Procedures Handbook (FAA-8261-1A), Acceptable Methods, Techniques and Practices (AC 43.13), Rotorcraft Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-21), just to name a few!
- TERPs Manual
- Airworthiness Directives (ADs): every one since 1941 and summary of STCs
- Practical Test Standards
- Advisory Circulars
- FAA Accident Prevention Program bulletins and Aviation Career Series
- Dale Cranes Dictionary of Aeronautical Terms
System Requirements: Windows 2000, NT, XP, Vista (Home Premium 32bit).
Price: $79.95
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Manufactured by ASA |
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