Aviation Maintenance Technician Test Prepware
FAA Knowledge Exams: General, Airframe, Powerplant tests included in this ASA Prepware for AMT. More than a "question and answer" recounting of test questions, the AMT Test Prepware combines a powerful software program with the accurate and instructional material you expect from ASA.
Electronic updates that you can download from the ASA website keep your database current as the FAA makes changes to the tests! Free e-mail Subscription Service provides automatic notification when Updates are avilable.
Version 10 features include:
- Compatible with both PC and Macintosh systems.
- CX-2 electronic flight computer is built into the program, accessed by a click of a button during study sessions or simulated tests.
- Make and save user notes while studying in a Notes field, for annotations and comments as you work.
- Google-like search capabilities
search for a word or phrase in the entire database of questions, answers, and explanations.
- Includes a comprehensive and searchable glossary.
- Shuffle the answer stems for a true test of your knowledge.
- Build a follow-up quiz from your airman test report. The FAA doesnt tell you which questions were wrong on your testthey only give you the subject matter knowledge codes. You can plug the codes into the program to create a custom post-test follow-up, which is required prior to taking your checkride.
- Simulates the CATS testing center in screen layout, buttons, program navigation; replicates what you'll see when you take your official FAA exam.
- You can choose to print results, or e-mail them to your instructor.
- Built-in study guides are there at a click of a button for study sessions, with the same comprehensive text and figures found in ASAs popular Fast-Track Test Guides.
- Performance history reflects individual tests, not just cumulative performance. View a performance graph depicting total score and a score for each subject, as well as review the test (shows your selected answer, the correct answer and explanation).
- All figures are available onscreen.
- Download and automatically update the database each time the FAA releases new or changed questions; also, the free email subscription service keeps you informed anytime a change is made.
Realistic test simulation, study and review models, detailed performance graphs, comprehensive study guides and built-in timers give you the confidence you need to ace your FAA exam. Whether you choose to simulate an actual FAA test, or study specific subjects and questions, Prepware has the tools you need.
Also included is the instructor utility, QuizMaker, to generate pop quizzes or exams using actual FAA questions. Quizzes can be of any length and on any specific or combination of subjects or subject matter knowledge codes. You can print exams, student answer sheets, and instructor master correction keys for quick grading, or save the tests so your students can take these electronically.
ASAs Prepware combines all the information applicants will find in the Test Prep Series. Prepware gives you everything you need to be confident and prepared for your FAA Knowledge Exams.
Prepware brings the accuracy and reliability of ASA's industry-leading Test Prep books to your home or office computer. Complete and easy-to-use, Prepware is the preparation and test tool for today's aviator.
Prepware brings the accuracy and reliability of ASA's industry-leading Test Prep books to your home or office PC. Complete and easy-to-use, Prepware is the preparation and test tool for today's aviator.
System Requirements:
Product registration is required; Internet access is required for registration as well as software question and program updates.
IBM compatible PC with Pentium-class processor, Windows 2000, XP with Service Pack 2, or Vista. 128 MB RAM minimum for Windows 2000 and XP (512 MB for Vista). 150 MB available hard drive space, 1024 x 768 SVGA compatible display, CD-ROM drive, mouse or other compatible pointing device.
Macintosh computer with PowerPC G3, G4, G5, or Intel-Mac processor, OS X Tiger (10.4 or higher), 128 MB Ram minimum, 150 MB available hard drive space, 1024 x 768 SVGA compatible display, CD-ROM drive, mouse or other compatible pointing device. [ASA-TW-AMT-08]
Price: $94.97
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