COMM1 Clearances on Request
Problems copying clearances? You're not alone. Now there's help with COMM1 Clearances Aviation Software Training.
* Whole number only
Detailed Description
Master IFR departure clearances in over 10 hours of comprehensive two-way radio training.
Detailed, informative briefings from instrument training expert Russ Lawton cover what to say, when, and why.
Test your newfound knowledge in realistic exchanges: Review the Flight plan and charts, then choose and request your clearance from the Clearance Delivery Controller.
Extensive practice scenarios: 100 clearances to master!
Expand your knowledge of the ATC system and improve copy/readback techniques.
The Basics
Not simply another pretty aviation software package, COMM1: Clearances on Request is jam-packed with the information you need. Popular instrument training expert Russ Lawton has written a series of briefings on the ATC clearance system and techniques for copying and reading back IFR clearances:
From Flight Plan to Clearance
Elements of a ClearanceCockpit OrganizationRequesting the ClearanceCopying the ClearanceReading Back the Clearance
Practice, Practice, Practice
COMM1 Clearances on Request Aviation Software offers a series of 100 practice clearances. You get a Flight plan for each exercise, complete with a planned routing. You review the route on the included NOS Low Altitude Enroute Chart and then call up the Clearance Delivery controller (or Flight Service specialist, or Ground Control, etc.) to request the clearance. Then you copy the clearance (using the techniques learned in the briefings) and read it back to the controller, just like in the cockpit. If you miss the clearance, the controller can be asked to "say again".
At the conclusion of the exercise, you get a chance to review your performance and hear how an expert would have read the clearance back, as well as see the expert's notes.
100 clearances to choose from; practice as often as you like, at your own pace! Experts guide you through clearances with helpful prompts and feedback. Compare your responses to those of experts in each scenario
System Requirements for COMM1 Clearance on Request Aviation Software:
PC Windows 95 or higher
486/66 Mhz PC processor 16 MB RAM 6 MB Hard drive space 800 x 600 resolution display with High Color (16 bit) 4x speed CD-ROM drive Sound Blaster-compatible sound card Microphone and Speakers (or headset)
Mac Requirements of COMM1 Clearances on Request: System 7.5 or higher
6 MB Hard drive space
800 x 600 resolution display with thousands of colors
4x speed CD-ROM drive
Mac microphone and speakers
Working on your instrument ticket? If you're even considering adding the IFR rating to your license, then you'll want COMM1 IFR Radio Simulator to get you through the advanced level of communication skills required.
COMM1 VFR Radio Simulator Software is a proven tool for getting you up to date on communicating professionally with ATC, Flight Service, Flight Watch, and other ground personnel. Provides 6.5 hours of training.
The official COMM1 Headset can help put you in the pilot's seat, no matter where you are.
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