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You searched for all products in Pilot Supplies made by ASA
Displaying products 43 - 63 of 65 results
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ASA Master Logbook Case
Master Logbook Case
Our Price: $22.95
Keep it organized! Protect and store your logbooks with ASA's Master Logbook Case.
Micro E6B Flight Computer
Micro E6B Flight Computer
Our Price: $33.95
Pocket-sized brushed-aluminum full-function Micro E6-B flight computer.
Micrphone Muff
Microphone Muff
Our Price: $4.95
Microphone Muff
The Microphone Muff is the easiest and most effective way to protect your headset microphone and improve transmission clarity.
Pilot Backpack
Pilot Backpack
Our Price: $104.00
ASA's Pilot Backpack is made of durable fabric and supported by a heavy-duty water-resistant bottom, this backpack keeps books and supplies organized and protected.
Pilot First Log Book
Pilot's First Logbook
Our Price: $2.95
This Pilot Logbook is blue, soft cover, 7-3/4" x 4-1/8", 16 pages. Ideal as a pilot's first logbook and for introductory flight give-away.
ASA Propeller Log
Propeller Log
Our Price: $4.95
Propeller Log records data for hub and blade inspections, repairs and alterations, airworthiness directives, and factory bulletins.
ASA Rotating Azimuth 13
Rotating Plotter
List Price: $14.95
Our Price: $12.99
The ASA Rotating Azimuth Plotter CP-R features a nonslip rotating azimuth made from strong plastic for quick course readout.
Short Aircraft Fuel Tester 4
Short Aircraft Fuel Tester 4"
List Price: $6.95
Our Price: $4.75
Among other great features, this fuel tester also includes a chrome-plated screwdriver blade with both a Phillips and a slotted head.
Square Aviation Plotter
Square Chart Plotter
List Price: $6.95
Our Price: $5.95
Simplify your flight planning with this handy, easy to use Square Aviation Chart Plotter.
Standard EASA FCL-Compliant Pilot Log
Standard EASA FCL-Compliant Pilot Log
Our Price: $12.95
The EASA FCL-Compliant Pilot Log meets European Aviation Safety Agency record keeping requirements and complies with Flight Crew Licensing rules, EU-FCL.050
ASA Standard Pilot Log Book
Standard Pilot Logbook - Black
Our Price: $9.95
This ASA Pilot Logbook includes all instructor endorsements. 68 pages.
ASA Standard Pilot Log
Standard Pilot Logbook - Burgundy
Our Price: $12.95
This Pilot Logbook includes all instructor endorsements. Burgundy, hardcover with 206 pages makes it easy to spot in your flight bag.
ASA Standard Pilot Log Book
Standard Pilot Logbook - Navy
Our Price: $12.50
This logbook is hard cover, navy with 110 pages. Includes all instructor endorsements.
Ladies Pink Pilot Logbook
Standard Pilot Logbook - Pink
Our Price: $9.95
This ASA Pilot Logbook in pink includes all instructor endorsements. 68 pages.
ASA Standard Pilot Master Log Book
Standard Pilot Master Log - International
Our Price: $26.95
ASA's Standard Pilot Master Logbook is considered the finest and most versatile logbook for aviators. Hardcover, black, 278 pages.
UAS Operator Log
Standard UAS Operator Log
Our Price: $13.49
The Standard UAS Operator Log meets the needs of civilian, military, hobbyists, and professional operators alike so that critical flight details can be tracked.
ASA Tech Flight Bag
Tech Flight Bag
Our Price: $74.00
The Tech Flight Bag is great for laptops and EFBs. 19"Wide x 8"Tall x 12.5"Deep
ASA Trifold Pilot IFR Kneeboard in Nylon Case
Trifold IFR Kneeboard in Nylon case
List Price: $32.95
Our Price: $26.78
The ASA Trifold IFR Kneeboard in Nylon case is a strong aluminum tooled clipboard silkscreened with IFR information fits into black 3-panel jacket. Room for charts, books, flight computers, etc.
ASA Pilot VFR Kneeboard in Nylon Case
Trifold VFR Kneeboard in Nylon case
Our Price: $44.97
The Trifold VFR Kneeboard in Nylon case is a strong aluminum tooled clipboard silkscreened with VFR information fits into black 3-panel jacket. Room for charts, books, flight computers, etc.
ASA Fixed Lexan 13
Ultimate Fixed Lexan Plotter
List Price: $14.95
Our Price: $11.86
The ASA Ultimate Fixed Lexan Plotter is made of Lexan®. Features 8 scales to meet the needs of all VFR aeronautical charts: nautical on one side, statute on the flip. Lifetime warranty.
ASA Fixed Lexan 8
Ultimate Micro Plotter 8"
List Price: $8.95
Our Price: $7.00
The Ultimate Micro Plotter is made of Lexan®, 8" long. Convenient for flight bag, shirt pocket, or airplane storage. Lifetime warranty.
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